About Marapod

Marapod is an all-in-one volunteer management solution that enables you to plan great events, activate your volunteers, and create a volunteer community that helps you reach your goals.

As a former PTSA Co-President, I spent way too many hours soliciting parents to help lead events or volunteer for specific activities. I was often bombarded with “Reply-All” emails asking to help work the Book Fair or gather pictures for the Yearbook. And when I think about all the hours wasted back and forth in email, I cringe.

There had to be an easier way to match well-intended volunteers with organizers. And that’s how Marapod was born.

Our Solution

At its core, Marapod is a simple signup form & questionnaire, backed by a powerful volunteer database. But more than that, it’s a labor of love, inspired by how animals, especially elephants, in Masai “Mara” work together in “pods” or families to survive – and thrive.

Our Hope

We hope you enjoy Marapod and find it useful as you galvanize your volunteers & supporters to make a real difference in your community.